Biodiversity and finance: The future of green capital in four trends

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Biodiversity is key to the processes that govern our ecosystems—processes upon which our very humanity depends. But failing to include biodiversity in business decisions eventually will be detrimental to the financial sector’s bottom line. So how can investors achieve lasting resiliency?

In Biodiversity and Finance: The Future of Green Capital in Four Trends, we examine four emerging trends as worldwide momentum gathers around the threat of biodiversity loss, and as financial investors wake up and put increased attention and interest to this new topic.

Download this paper to learn:

  • Methods for translating a global understanding of nature into concrete actions that address key industry constraints
  • Ways to integrate green finance strategies into making future financial decisions—and taking financial risks
  • How biodiversity loss is shaping investors’ understanding of “greenwashing” and sustainable investment opportunities
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Meet the authors
  1. Yann Verstraeten, Managing Consultant – Green Transition

    Yann is an expert in economics and environmental science and management who helps public and private organizations with low-carbon and biodiverse transitions. View bio

  2. Jerome Kisielewicz, Consulting Director, Green Transition

    Jerome leads work in the field of European sustainable and positive impact finance, combining expertise in climate, renewable energy, and biodiversity finance. View bio