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  1. Disaster mitigation insights

    Find out how organizations are designing effective programs, policies, and projects that reduce risks from future disasters.
  2. Person

    Sandra Maxwell - Senior Manager, Disaster Mitigation

    Sandra is a hazard mitigation expert with more than 15 years of experience as a mitigation specialist for FEMA and HUD grant programs.
  3. Person

    Casey Levy, Senior Technical Advisor, Disaster Mitigation

    Casey is an expert in disaster recovery and mitigation and is devoted to maximizing mitigation funding sources for the non-federal share in mitigation projects.
  4. Service

    FEMA BRIC hazard mitigation funding

    The FEMA BRIC hazard mitigation program helps communities build resilience by funding ambitious infrastructure projects. Learn how ICF supports applicants.
  5. Industry

    Disaster management

    ICF has disaster management planning expertise for program execution to make your post-disaster federal funding help communities recover quickly.
  6. Industry

    Disaster Preparedness Solutions

    Learn more about how ICF uses disaster management preparedness solutions with risk modeling software to reduce natural disaster risk and maximize federal aid.
  7. Industry

    Hazard mitigation services

    Helping clients explore, fund, and implement hazard mitigation projects with lasting impact.
  8. Industry

    GHG mitigation and sustainability

    Reduce your carbon footprint and increase sustainability in order to mitigate climate impacts.
  9. Service

    Risk management and insurance services

    ICF offers a suite of solutions to manage evolving risks, prepare for a disaster, and improve resiliency through the development of enterprise risk management, disaster preparedness, business continuity, and emergency response planning.
  10. Client story

    Supporting recovery efforts in Texas

    After Hurricane Harvey, ICF created and implemented the Houston disaster management plan to rebuild Texas community services and critical infrastructure.