Recent wins net ICF CEO John Wasson his first Wash100 Award

ICF CEO, John Wasson, receives Wash100 Award
2019 was a big year for ICF. We celebrated our 50th anniversary. We found a new home for our headquarters. We expanded our IT modernization expertise. We won several new and notable contracts, including a series of cyber awards for the U.S. Navy—and were selected to support six GSA Centers of Excellence (CoE) initiatives, highlighting our growing IT mod expertise.
It’s no wonder our president and CEO, John Wasson, caught the attention of Executive Mosaic and its annual Wash100 awards.
“This transaction is aligned with our strategy to complement organic growth with acquisitions that strengthen ICF’s position in key growth areas. IT modernization and cloud together is estimated to be approximately a $21 billion federal market and one in which ICF already has gained traction through organic expansion.”
– John Wasson, on our acquisition of ITG
The growth factor
First came the announcement of our new HQ. Construction is slated for completion at the end of 2022, and we’re looking forward to the move. The new space will be bright, spacious, LEED certified, and easily accessible to public transit—furthering our sustainability commitments.
And it will easily accommodate our ever-expanding ICF family, thanks to both organic and inorganic growth. Acquisitions, such as our most recent one, are a key component to our long-term growth strategy. We recognize that our future—and more importantly, our clients’ futures—depend on IT modernization and cloud migration capabilities. That’s one of the many reasons this acquisition made so much sense. (It was also a good cultural fit, which is, in many ways, equally important.)
A focus on resilience
In this increasingly complex world, our growing cybersecurity team helps public and private sector clients build more resilient networks and infrastructure as they plan for the unknown. We’re providing the U.S. Navy, for example, technology assessments, cybersecurity research and development, rapid prototyping and integration, cybersecurity operations, vulnerability assessments, and simulation and training support.
Meanwhile, our digital transformation team, now even stronger, has partnered with industry innovators to modernize and improve how the federal government interacts with its citizens. And our public health team continues to assess risk and emerging threats for federal agencies including the EPA.
Congratulations, John, for the success you’ve achieved on behalf of ICF and the government contracting sector!