Children, youth, and families
Providing training, technical assistance, and program support to promote evidence-based solutions for child and family services.

Ensuring the health and safety of children, youth, and families
As children, youth, and family services experts, we address complex issues like safety, permanency, and well-being across the globe. We offer targeted solutions, training, and tools to develop and implement successful programs. We work with federal agencies on projects such as the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative, the Child Welfare Information Gateway, the Center for States, and other work that supports building prevention networks. We also work with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and their care provider network to develop strategies to improve safety for unaccompanied minors.

Focusing on family stability and improved economic outcomes
Our goal is to empower community-based organizations with practical tools. The resulting programs help reduce poverty, increase prosperity, decrease recidivism, and improve child health and well-being. Our experts bring deep knowledge in fields such as at-risk youth, education, family strengthening, and community partnership building. As one example, we have operated the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse since 2007, providing peer-to-peer training, technical assistance (TTA), toolkits, outreach support, website development, targeted media campaigns, and social media outreach.

Bolstering community partnerships
We continuously elevate impact through outreach, research, and TTA to improve human service delivery. We support the Children’s Bureau Division of State Systems in providing national leadership on the development and operation of automated child welfare systems. We also offer technical assistance to states and tribes. And for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, we provide expertise in juvenile justice and child victimization.

Optimizing safety-net programs with innovative practices
We customize our programs to expand service delivery to vulnerable families, helping ensure economic security. For over a decade, we’ve provided targeted training, technical assistance, and coaching to temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) agencies and stakeholders, focusing on evidence-based practices that support innovation and improve employment outcomes. Our approaches include policy academies, roundtables, workshops, national summits, webinars, and conferences across a large range of topics. From workforce development to disaster response, we bring cutting-edge thinking to the table.

Informing policy and practice with lived experiences
We place a high value on lived experiences and leverage that collective learning for the programs we support. Our work partners clients with consultants and staff with personal lived experience to better inform federal policy, research, and practice. This approach ensures solutions are grounded in real-world understanding.
Our services
Child and family-focused
- Training and coaching
- Curriculum development
- Training and technical assistance
- Child welfare practice expertise
- Positive youth development
- Developing community safety nets
- Marketing, communication, and dissemination
- Public health for children and youth
- Teen pregnancy prevention
- Expertise with unaccompanied minors
Systems change
- Root cause analysis and deeper problem exploration
- Client management systems
- Implementation and change management
- Data-driven decision making
- Evidence-based practice implementation and monitoring
- Cross-system engagement and collaboration
- Research and evaluation
System and service enhancement
- Case reviews and caseload studies
- Integrating lived experience
- Continuous quality improvement
- Organizational, cultural, and climate assessment
- Service array assessments
- Asset mapping
- Strategic planning
- Knowledge management
- Revenue and claiming maximization
- Outcomes monitoring
Our work
Our experts