How much zero-emission transportation infrastructure is needed in the US?
The federal government and states across the country are setting ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
We used California's regulations and recently finalized regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to model just how many EV chargers and hydrogen fueling stations the U.S. might need to decarbonize on-road transportation.
Our analysis for the Coordinating Research Council reveals the U.S. would need almost 20 million EV chargers for light duty (LD) cars and trucks and medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) vehicles by 2050.
Likewise, the U.S. might need to build 3,400 hydrogen fueling stations by 2050.
Our analysis not only highlights the scale of zero-emission transportation infrastructure needed but also the importance of planning now for future. Learn more about our work around reducing transportation emissions and improving hydrogen infrastructure.