Supporting pipeline development in a shifting market

Supporting pipeline development in a shifting market

Clients turn to ICF when volatile markets challenge activity tracking and informed planning. Our energy specialists have the hands-on experience to offer a grounded perspective and data-supported insights that can help guide decision-making.

Turning to North American natural gas, we see the transition from a market driven by supply driven and characterized by falling prices to a market driven by demand growth and characterized by rising prices. With this shift in marketplace behavior, ICF anticipates a changing paradigm in natural gas pipeline development. Previously supported primarily by producers seeking access to markets for growing production, local distribution companies (LDCs) and end users will now need to take a more active role in new infrastructure projects.

Download the paper to learn why—despite high costs and increasing challenges—ICF experts believe that public interest is highly favorable in a majority of new pipeline developments, why the value of pipeline capacity is expected to increase, and how the benefits of new infrastructure can best be achieved.

Meet the author
  1. Michael Sloan, Senior Managing Director, Gas Energy Markets

    With over 35 years of experience, Michael provides analytical and regulatory support to assess the impact of decarbonization policy on gas utility clients. View bio

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