Stepping up to the plate: The costs and benefits of pipeline expansion to end users

Stepping up to the plate: The costs and benefits of pipeline expansion to end users

There is a paradigm shift occurring in the development of natural gas pipelines, driven by changes in the North American Natural Gas Markets and a shifting value proposition for pipeline developers. In recent years, new pipelines projects have been supported primarily by E&P Producers. However, due to balance sheet issues, slowing supply growth, and completion of major new capacity out of the Marcellus/Utica, these companies now have much less inclination, or ability, for further contracting of pipeline capacity. Instead, for pipeline expansions to be sanctioned it will be up to End Users to contract new capacity. Key to this occurring will be the full accounting of the value of pipeline expansions to both End Users and local area residents.

In this webinar, we will highlight:

  • The current state of the market and pipeline development trends
  • Key factors influencing future gas pipeline expansions
  • The Costs and Benefits of pipeline expansions to consumers and capacity holders
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