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Step-by-step guidance

eCEQA walks you through screening questions, provides advice and guidance along the way, identifies potential streamlining options, and allows you to download templates to document your CEQA compliance. eCEQA puts all streamlining resources in one place for ease of use. 

Designed for the needs of the end-user

Rather than wading into the CEQA statute, guidelines, and case law, eCEQA enables you to quickly assess whether your project might qualify for streamlining by simply answering a series of questions.
eceqa platform

Convenient document downloading

If your project qualifies, you’ll need to provide evidence to support your streamlining or exemption options. eCEQA lets you easily download templates to document findings or for later use in completing your CEQA compliance.

Navigate complex regulations in no time

Accurate environmental documentation

We lead the industry in preparing high-quality environmental documentation required under CEQA, including categorical and statutory exemptions, initial study and negative declarations, sustainable communities environmental assessments, and environmental impact reports. 

Backed by deep industry experience

With nearly 50 years of experience, our team contains over 750 environmental planning professionals in all aspects of compliance. We help municipalities understand and apply streamlining through our educational programs, support writing guidelines, and project execution.

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Like eCEQA? Reach out to us about specific questions or having a customized version of eCEQA created for your specific needs.
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